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Create an NFT Auction Marketplace using Express Protocol SDK

How to create an NFT Marketplace

Even after tremendous growth in the NFT space, many NFT holders are still struggling to get the desired price for their NFTs. This makes them furious & perplexed about how to sell NFTs for a whooping amount?. No worries, Express Protocol has got you covered with NFT Auction Marketplace that will help you find a potential buyer for your NFTs in no time. So be ready to earn more money from NFTs with Express NFT Auction Marketplace.

Here’s the detailed guide on, how to create an NFT Auction Marketplace using Express Protocol?

Prerequisites to build an NFT Auction Marketplace

  1. NodeJS version > 16.0.0
  2. NPM version > 6.0.0
  3. Metamask Browser Extension
  4. Parcel Bundler(For bundling Javascript)

Steps to develop your own NFT Auction Marketplace

1. First, you need to create an empty folder in your favorite editor. Here, we are using VScode.

Create an NFT auction Marketplace

2. The next step involves the installation of SDK. Once you have installed the SDK make sure to run it in the terminal.

NFT marketplace development
npm init
NFT marketplace development
npm i pandora-express
NFT marketplace development
 npm install -g parcel-bundler 
NFT marketplace development

3. Then build the UI and make the index.html file to paste the following codes.


Here we have five sections for the frontends:

A. The first one is to create an item section where you can mint NFTs.

B. The second is the auction section where you can put your NFTs on auction. Also, it has three fields:

C. The third section is for bidders who want to bid on the auctioned NFT. The user has to enter the sale ID and the Bid offer he/she wants to make for the NFT.

D. Next, there’s a bid section through which the NFT owner can accept the bid made by the bidders.

E. After that, there is a withdrawal bid section where bidders can withdraw the bid they have made. For that, the bidder needs to provide the Sale ID and Bid ID in the present field.

F. Lastly, there’s a cancel sell section. Here, NFT owners can cancel the auction of their NFTs by only entering the Sale ID.

Now run the app with a liver server.

After pasting all the codes, your NFT Auction Marketplace will look something like this!

NFT marketplace development

4. Use SDK code with javascript logic

Here follow all the below steps to auction your NFTs:-

5. Finally, get the function parameters using javascript DOM and use the codes written below in main.js.

const itemURI = document.getElementById(“txtCreateItemURI”);const createItemButton = document.getElementById(“btnCreateItem”);
createItemButton.onclick = mintNft;const itemURI1 = document.getElementById(“txtCreateItemURI1”);
const itemURI2 = document.getElementById(“txtCreateItemURI2”);const auctionItemTokenId = document.getElementById(“numAuctionItemTokenId”);
const auctionItemPrice = document.getElementById(“numAuctionItemPrice”);
const auctionItemTime = document.getElementById(“numAuctionItemTime”);const auctionItemButton = document.getElementById(“btnAuctionItem”);
auctionItemButton.onclick = auctionNft;const BidItemSaleId = document.getElementById(“numBidItemSaleId”);
const BidItemPrice = document.getElementById(“numBidItemPrice”);const BidItemButton = document.getElementById(“btnBidItem”);
BidItemButton.onclick = bid;const ExecuteSaleId = document.getElementById(“numExecuteSaleId”);
const ExecuteBidId = document.getElementById(“numExecuteBidId”);const ExecuteBidItemButton = document.getElementById(“btnExecuteBidItem”);
ExecuteBidItemButton.onclick = executeBid;const WithdrawSaleId = document.getElementById(“numWithdrawSaleId”);
const WithdrawBidId = document.getElementById(“numWithdrawBidId”);const WithdrawBidItemButton = document.getElementById(“btnWithdrawBidItem”);
WithdrawBidItemButton.onclick = withdrawBidMoney;const CancelSaleId = document.getElementById(“numCancelSaleId”);const CancelItemSaleButton = document.getElementById(“btnCancelItemSale”);
CancelItemSaleButton.onclick = cancelSale;init();

Now, you’re all ready to run it in the terminal.

parcel index.html
NFT marketplace development
NFT marketplace development

Congratulations! You have created your own NFT Trading Marketplace and listed your first Token in the Marketplace as well! So from now, don’t hesitate to actualize your NFT Projects because Express Protocol simplifies everything with its easy-to-use Express SDK that helps you create NFT storefronts in minutes and allows you to enjoy the increased inflow of liquidity within the NFT ecosystem.